Sunday, November 8, 2015


As many of you know Movember is in full swing. For those of you who may not know about Movember it is where men don't shave for the entire month of November in support of men's health. A lot of men tend to not really keep up with taking care of themselves so this month is all about spreading awareness and attempting to make men healthier.

In support of Movember JT Executive Excursions is bringing a group of amateur beard growers and their family to Leogang, Austria for the World Beard and Moustache Championships. Here you will see a wide range of styles for beards as well as a beautiful setting for it to be held. Leogang is a quiet mountain town buried deep in the Alps so you will be able to concentrate on making that beard perfect. For those non bearded there is still plenty to do and see in Leogang.

heinz christofel 2001.jpg
Cool Beard
alois plettl 2001.jpg
Your Competition

We here at JT Executive Excursions want to make sure all our customers stay healthy and keep traveling, so be sure to make an appointment with your physician for a physical. You won't be able to see the world from a hospital bed so take care of yourself.

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