Sunday, October 25, 2015

Enter to win

This week we are sending two lucky couples to a weekend getaway in Jamaica. To enter all you need to submit is your name, phone number, address, and a short essay on why you deserve the trip. Our panel of experts will review your submissions and decide by next week who won. This will be the easiest vacation of your life. We will cover airfare, hotel rooms, and any activities you would like to do. If you would just like to sit on the beach for 3 days we have you covered there as well. We wish everyone luck, but only a few will win.


  1. I think this post needs something more. Maybe a picture or something would help.

  2. This week's theme was a Halloween Sale. All posts need to be two to three paragraphs of strong content and contain and captioned and sourced graphic.

    1. There is no podcast on your SoundCloud link and your Facebook hasn't been posted on since October 15.
