Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Hong Kong

As many of you know October is national breast cancer awareness month. In support of this our company is prepared to donate 10 percent of our total profits this month to the Breast Cancer Society. Many of us have family members or friends who have struggled with cancer, and we feel that this is the best way to give back and help. We hope that with your help we can make a difference.

Our next scheduled trip is to Hong Kong. This is our first time going to Asia so we couldn't be more excited. Since we are so excited we have composed a Top 5 list of food in Kong Kong.


5. Congee-This dish is very similar to grits or cream of wheat, except for the fact it is made from rice instead of corn or wheat. It is usually served for breakfast like its western cousins. Congee can be flavored with pork, fish, or veggies.



4. Eggette- Hong Kong's favorite street food. It is essentially a waffle ball. The name comes from the way the waffle looks like eggs stuck together. They are served both hot and cold but we suggest getting them hot because its just so much better.

Wife cakes
3. Wife Cakes- The story behind these little cakes is definitely strange but they are just so tasty. The story goes that in order to buy medicine for her dying father a woman sold herself into slavery. After hearing this her husband started making these little pastries with wintermelon inside in her memory. These cakes ended up becoming so popular he was able to buy his wife back with the profits.

Char siu Pork

2. Char siu Pork- Crispy fried pork....need I say more?

Dim Sum
1. Dim Sum- The quintessential Hong Kong food. Dim Sum is typically a lunch time food, although its eaten at breakfast as well. Dim Sum is the act of steaming dumplings in little baskets, so you can find any type of flavor inside. Some popular styles are fried pork and veggie dumplings. Many restaurants serve Dim Sum, but you can also find it on the street brought to you by Dim Sum carts.

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