Sunday, October 18, 2015

Top 5 Paris Locations

So for our next trip we will be going to beautiful Paris, France. It is by far one of my favorite places to visit. There is so many great sights to see, wine to drink, and food to eat. There is a stigma that Parisians dislike tourists but that couldn't be further from the truth. As long as you show respect to their culture they will give it back in return. I have composed a quick list of the top 5 locations you must see when visiting Pairs.

Palace of Versailles 
5. Versailles- Located right outside of Paris the Palace of Versailles is one you can't miss. This palace housed the King of France in the 17th century and it really is fit for a king. The attention to detail is breathtaking inside and out.

Arc de Triomphe
4. Arc de Triomphe- By far the most famous road in the world the Arc de Triomphe was erected to honor Napoleon's great victories. There is constant traffic surrounding it so the only way to get up close is though a tunnel that goes under the highway.

The Louvre
3. The Louvre- Housing Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, this museum is one to see. Built in 1793 it was a product of the French Revolution. The lines may be long but it is totally worth the wait.

Notre Dame de Paris
2. Notre Dame de Paris- This cathedral was built over hundreds of years which only adds to the awe inspiring sight that it is. Notre Dame is a perfect example of French-Gothic architecture. The best part about visiting Notre Dame is the fact that you can enter for free, which is perfect since Paris can get quite expensive.

Eiffel Tower
1. Eiffel Tower- There is no doubt this is the most memorable sight to see in Paris. Towering at 81 stories high it is definitely a hike getting to the top, but it is well worth the effort. Originally built as a radio tower the Parisians protested it fully. Eventually it became a symbol for the city.

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